Spirit Crossing

spirit crossing by William Kent Krueger
Published: August 20, 2024

Alrighty, well, I jumped in at the deep end, so I had a lot of characters to keep track of and that’s what happens when you don’t start at book one. This did slow me down a bit at the beginning, but Krueger does a great job of reminding you who is who throughout the book so it didn’t take long to get a handle on the characters.


I thoroughly enjoyed the Native American culture and learning new things about spirituality, it was fascinating for me and a great example of why reading outside your comfort zone can be a great thing!

The mystery in this book unravels at a reasonable pace and I wasn’t bogged down by unnecessary details. The cultural history weaved throughout is well thought-out, detailed, and is highlighted by wonderful characters. I’m a sucker for a good sage, and Henry Meloux might be one of my favorite sages out there! 

Now, I will probably go start at book 1 and work my way through this incredible series.

Thank you to Netgalley and Atria books for for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review. 

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