Razorblade Tears

cover of Razorblade Tears by S.A. Cosby
Published: July 6, 2021

Let me come right out of the gate and say I love a good revenge story. As a matter of fact, I desperately need some revenge story recommendations! With that said, this is another book that sat on my shelf for a long time and I finally put it in my immediate TBR pile to either read or donate. Clearly, I had never read the description (okay, so I often don’t…people recommend books, I blindly get them. Bad habit, I know).

So, I was on the fence as I had just read his newest book in January and I didn’t know if I wanted to go right into another so quick. I decided to read the description and literally my entire afternoon stopped so that I could start this book!

And I am so happy to say, it lived up to the hype for me. I thought this was so much better than All the Sinners Bleed, and I really liked that book! This might end up being one of my favorite reads of the year, but I have to say, my year in reading has started strong!

  1. Characters. I love these two men and their interactions together are so well done because you can see the internal struggle they have with each other and it plays out well done.
  2. I didn’t feel preached out about a topic, a few touch topics, to be honest. I think Cosby handles controversial subjects really well in this book as well as All the Sinners Bleed.
  3. He addressed the regret and the struggle to change beliefs so well, and it endeared me to the characters even more.

Easy 5 star book, probably a 6 if my personal rating system went that high…and it might because I’ve been throwing 5 stars around a lot this year and this is on the higher end of my 5 star reads so far!

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