Think Twice

think twice by harlan coben
Genres: ,
Published: 5/14/24

I enjoy Harlan Coben books, but I will say I have not read any of the series with Myron Bolitar as of yet. I will definitely go back and read some now, but I am going into this without knowledge of these characters beforehand! With that being said, I felt like it could be read as a stand alone, I didn’t feel as I was missing a whole lot of backstory – Coben does a good job of giving you enough information to keep going. 

This was a quick read. The pacing was overall decent, and I say that because there were a couple of times things felt a bit repetitive – enough worth nothing, but not enough that took away from my reading experience.

The ending doesn’t come out of left field and though I didn’t figure it out, it still made enough sense to me and left me as a satisfied reader. 

Thank you to NetGalley, for the much-appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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