The Group Trip

The Group Trip
Published: August 13, 2024

This is my first book by Audrey Ingram but won’t be my last. I’m usually not a big fan of timeline jumping, but in this case, both timelines held their own, and switching between them didn’t drag the story down.

The Group Trip follows a group of friends from college into adult life and adult problems and how the group dynamics can change over time. 

I love a good found family story, and for Chloe, this is her found family and her struggle not to lose them. I happily went along for the ride even though some of Chloe’s decisions and logic drove me a bit crazy and I felt like a lot of the story happened to her rather than her making the decisions in the story. Yes, she had one big decision that is the core of the book, BUT so much of the past storyline is her just floating along which did get tiresome. 

But, like I said, I love a good found family story and I love strong friendship stories and the friendships in The Group Trip are well done and highlight such a key component during a pivotal time in life! And if you’re lucky enough to find a couple of friends like this, you really have hit the friend lottery. They do exist and this book highlights the precious qualities of true friends.

The Group Trip is a fantastic summer read. If you need a lighter book in between dark books, this is a great one to add into the mix!

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