The Summer Club

the summer club by Hannah McKinnon
Published: July 23, 2024

I’m always looking for a good summer read to have in between some of the other books I choose to read. So, I was excited to read The Summer Club.

Here’s the thing, I don’t classify it as a beach read at all. It’s a quick read, definitely, but there are some heavier topics mentioned. Even if they’re not fully developed topics, these are heavier issues than I expected to encounter. 

And to nitpick a bit more as I am someone who will choose a book based on the cover, I do not see a correlation between the cover and the story at all. This feels like a miss to me.

I did enjoy the characters but I wish there had been more… more development, more interaction, more growth with them. I felt like everything happened to them, they didn’t control their own story or decisions. 

The Summer Club wasn’t a bad story but it could’ve been so much more. 

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