Counting Miracles

Having been re-introduced to Nicholas Sparks with The Wish, a book that was easily in my top ten two years ago. I was excited to jump into Counting Miracles, ready to feel all the feels.

Counting Miracles focuses on three characters, Tanner a man floating around from place to place who is also ex-military, Kaitlyn a small-town physician and single mom, and Jasper a hermit who has experienced more trauma than most people should ever have to imagine.

I think each character is well developed and unique and I enjoyed reading their stories. I really enjoyed Casey and her spunk (Kaitlyn’s teenage daughter) and teenage insightfulness. I feel like teens often get put into this box in novels and it’s nice to see when they can be selfish AND sweet. 

Overall it’s a good story and I’d give it 3.5 stars but I rounded it down because I feel like there were a few flaws that bothered me, even at the end.

Jasper’s backstory took up a significant part of the book and at times seemed to slow the pacing of the book. I did like his backstory but maybe not as much?

The jerk teenagers – I felt like they were there only to move parts of the story in a specific direction. These guys felt like cardboard cutouts and just felt forced.

It’s a nice story. It’s not memorable, but it’s nice and a quick read

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