Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan

I blame this book fully on TikTok. I’d never heard of it or seen it before I started diving into the depths of BookTok. And then it was everywhere. I really want to like romance, at least sometimes, so after seeing it over and over and over again, I picked it up from the library.

What I liked About Archer’s Voice:

I like Bree. She is a character with some depth and inner strength. Bree runs away to a small town to escape her own drama. She has to overcome her grief and grow as a person. She’s likable, she’s patient, and she’s a hard worker. 

I like Archer – once I got over his strapping standard physical stereotypes. He’s an interesting character and his backstory is interesting. I like him. 

I love Bree’s neighbor, she’s a wise woman and I think she could’ve been used more in the book.

I’m a sucker for small town stories and though this isn’t the best out there, it’s still a solid read.

What I didn’t like about Archer’s Voice:

Once Bree and Archer connect, all they do is have sex. Yes, it’s romance, but where’s the connection beyond that? Their relationship felt flat and using their mutual PTSD is what was supposed to give it depth. There was a review that summed it up for me regarding the smut/sex – for them being a soft/sweet couple, the smut didn’t align and at times felt like it was in the wrong book. The internal dialogue didn’t always fit the rest of their internal voice and felt forced.

The cousin brings the unnecessary drama of the strip club. This whole part of the book seemed unnecessary but just a way to heighten the drama. The entire relationship with the cousin was like a tennis match, but not genuine.  

Even with those two things I didn’t care for, I still gave this three and a half stars because it was a cute book with characters I enjoyed reading about all set in a small town. 

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